The Priestess Archetype

The Priestess archetype completes the fall cycle of power in the west, Matriarch trilogy. She is associated with the waning crescent moon. She is becoming enveloped by the darkness with still a sliver of light. 

The Priestess is pre-menopausal, usually in her forties. Her cycle may be irregular, sometimes even skipped. This results in lower progesterone levels. The pituitary gland responds by sending floods of follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) in an attempt to force ovulation. High levels of estrogen can create increased libido, vivid dreams, intuitive insights, and extrasensory perceptions. 

As the Priestess cycle wanes, she rides the undercurrents, receding into the dark, transpersonal self. She hones in to shed the dying parts. She is in a liminal state; betwixt and between the waking world and her deep subconscious. She spends her time drawing into hibernation, seeking vision. 

The priestess has an intent to purify through release of all of the old ways of loving. She is ready to compassionately give up everything not in alignment with her and her ancestors' highest regard. She knows and accepts herself completely now. There is no sugar coating, just raw and real power of self and others. She takes responsibility for her actions and words.

The Priestess has the need to circle with women as this is part of her identity; to be part of the community and share her depth with others that are responding to the call. She mirrors the Blood Sister archetype on the wheel. A place where women come together in reverence of the rite of the womb and monthly cycles of womanhood.

This archetype holds wisdom as there is more dark than light. She navigates the dark with the challenge to see what couldn’t be seen in the light. Once the download comes, she may embody it. One may only wield this power and wisdom through a full body surrender. Here, life gets more aligned with ease.

As the moon wanes into the dark phase we invite you to turn your attention to your inner Priestess, no matter where you are in chronological age, we each have a Priestess ready to be called on. 

  • In what ways does the Priestess show up in your life?

  • What areas of your life would you like to call on the energy of the Priestess?

  • What are the gifts and shadows of this archetype?


A Ritual Invitation

Create a safe container for yourself, possibly indoors, by smudging with your choice of grounding herb, appropriate to your bioregion. Call in each direction, element, helping spirits and healthy ancestors.

  1. Set the intention to retrieve parts of yourself, all of them that are calling to you. You will recognize them as different aspects throughout your life at pivotal points that provided you with something that you needed or fell short of what you needed. There is room for any you choose to acknowledge and work with.

  2. Go on a walkabout in nature. Bring a basket or gathering bag.

  3. Set an intent of time and walk in a familiar place where you know your way back. 

  4. Gather a nature item that symbolizes an aspect of you that has taught you something valuable in life. When you find this item, spend some time infusing it with the memory then place it in the basket. Continue to do this until you feel complete.

  5. Return to your set container. Light a candle in the center of a circle while inviting all of these parts into the circle. Place your nature items one by one in each of the cardinal directions, diagonal directions and/or in each respective archetype. Create and/or find your own meaning. The intent is to create your circle of sisters and community that live inside of you.

  6. Once you have them placed, spend time with each one. Ask yourself questions and give yourself answers. You will know what to ask, but here are some examples. What did I need and how did I provide them for myself? What did I fall short of providing for myself when I really needed it?

  7. Work with each part, acknowledge, forgive, celebrate, and/or have gratitude for it all.

  8. Release the directions and all that you called in for assistance with gratitude, closing the container and then blow out the candle.