The Matriarch Archetype

The waning quarter moon which is associated with the matriarch archetype. She embodies balance and harmony when aligned.

The moon in its last quarter, waning gibbous, is associated with the West, a place of power that draws upon all that has been gathered previously. It’s the time of harvest. Her cup overflows while she recedes. Her life has peaked into its fullness; abundant and ready to share the harvest with her loved ones. Associated with the season of fall, we are now equally in the light and dark. Here, we start to turn inward as summer is over and we celebrate the lessons learned previously in preparation for the winter ahead.

The Matriarch archetype is a place of power, abundance, joy and balance. We embody grace, elegance, vitality, and worldliness. All that we have worked for and experienced is now integrated. The queen emerges from this place of maturity and stability. The Matriarch of the family is the sounding board for the children, grandchildren, and nieces and nephews traditionally. In our current culture, she may play this role for younger friends and their children. She passes on to them what she has learned through trial and error.

The Matriarch uses her wisdom to discern her strengths and weaknesses. She is quick to praise others in their gifts and delegate responsibility within the tribe. She is the backbone. She is trusted to utilize her resources in a way to benefit the larger container of life. She also looks to what has not worked, contemplating the lessons and making changes as she continues to evolve.

The Matriarch is in the prime of her intimate, sexual and sensual self through experience. She has matured and is more responsible in her actions. She is playful, more explorative and less attached to outcomes. She trusts as her inner self surpasses the personal agenda and transcends into aspects of sexual union. This place on the wheel is where we stand in full presence of power. We hold the line, stand tall, and work together.

How does the Matriarch show up in your life?

  • In what ways have you stepped in or out of your own Matriarch archetype?

  • How did you witness your mother, grandmother or other matriarchal women in your life engage with this part of herself?

  • Is your Matriarch archetype over or underdeveloped?

  • What are the gifts of the Matriarch archetype?

  • What are the shadow aspects of the Matriarch?

A Ritual Invitation

Take some time for yourself to contemplate how she moves in you through this ritual offering. These are all suggestions and the invitation is to listen to your body's innate guidance; sound and move as you feel.

Pick flowers, nature items, and/or purchase flowers and some thin wire. Gather your favorite essential oils, epsom salt, a red or white candle that you can hold, a mirror (in your bathroom or on a wall) and bath oil or other anointing oil.

  1. Create a sacred container for yourself. Use smoke (appropriate to your bioregion) to clear the space, moving in a clockwise direction, speaking aloud or inwardly; clearing and blessing the space. Be sure to start with yourself, then carefully clear the space, clear the corners, doors, and windows, and bring the energy inward.

  2. Light a candle and call in all of your matriarchal influences and maternal lineage that you trust and choose to work with in your highest regard.

  3. Run bath water for yourself, add oils, salt and some flower petals.

  4. Craft yourself a simple, but elegant crown with the wire and nature items. While crafting, contemplate the qualities of the Matriarch and how they have shown up in your life. Infuse the crown with what this archetype means to you and how you intend to embody her. The wire should make a complete circle of nature items. The beginning and end of the wire can be twisted together, completing the crown.

  5. Standing in front of the mirror, make eye contact with yourself, your Matriarch and those you have invited into your space. Spend a few minutes breathing in a circular motion, connective breathing. This is a full belly breath where you do not pause at the top or bottom. This is a fast pace breath with equal length inhales and exhales. Relax your jaw with a partially open mouth. This activates your sensations and you may start to feel tingling in your hands. Once you are completely tapped in, relax into normal breathing.

  6. Have your crown close by, bath water ready now, and hold the candle like a cup in your hands in front of you. With engaged eye contact again, begin to acknowledge aloud the past, where you came from, including your shadow, while moving the candle in your hands to the left, bringing it up to the left side of your face. If emotions come up at any point, allow them space through sound and/or movement. As you come back to the center and move to the right speaking aloud the gifts and lessons you have learned, are learning, and/or embody. You may go back and forth as many times as you choose until you feel complete. Finally, complete the circle from left to right, gathering and infusing your vessel, speak in “I am” or “I intend” statements what you claim as the matriarch in you stands in the power of your circle, your shadows, your gifts, accepting all that has brought you here and all that is moving you.

  7. Bow to yourself and all who have joined with you. Place your candle by the bath water.

  8. Crown yourself.

  9. Soak in the tub. This is a nurturing and honoring celebration! Bask in the joy and abundance of who you are now.

You are welcome to share your reflections on this process on the Seasons of Womanhood Facebook group here