The Lover Archetype

The Lover archetype is perhaps the least age bound archetype of all. This aspect of self can be ignited any time in our lives when we find ourselves in a passionate romance, new partnership, or allow ourselves to surrender to the bliss and pleasure of love.

Not simply the love between two individuals but the universal love that is accessed when two individuals embrace or make love. The Lover archetype can also be accessed when we dedicate ourselves to a work project, passionately and wholly. 

The task of the Lover archetype is to find balance between the masculine and feminine energies within self. Regardless of gender orientation, an individual holds universal masculine and feminine energies within. As the Lover, we are being asked to find stability and balance between these two energies. Like the symbol of yin and yang, we need both.

The Lover’s dilemma is to walk the line of holding her individuality and autonomy while simultaneously surrendering to the alchemy of masculine and feminine energies, culminating to create divine partnership and love. As she seeks partnership with another she is faced with looking inwards towards her own masculine and feminine. Lovers navigate the delicate balance of blending and merging their  creative visions, creating a united and shared vision. 

The Lover Archetype is associated with the lunar phase of a nearly full moon, bright with creative possibility. As the moon becomes full again we invite you to tune into your inner Lover and ask yourself the following questions:

  • In what ways does the Lover live within you now?

  • In what ways are you exploring your own inner masculine and feminine balance?

  •  Are there shadow aspects of the Lover that play out in your current life?

A Ritual invitation

The moon will be clearly visible. Go find a spot where you can see her.

  1. Call in the spirit of the Lover and any other supportive guides or spirits you work with. Ask for assistance in finding the Lover within.

  2. If you feel called and it is possible where you live, build a fire to “ignite” the passionate Lover energies within you. 

  3. Looking to the moon, consider the reflection of the Sun’s light (another form of fire) as the Sun (masculine) shines himself on the Moon (feminine) revealing her fullness, Sun and Moon working together in balance.

  4. As you connect with the moon and the fire take a few minutes to connect to your breath, feel your breath moving in and out of your body. Then begin to instinctively and intuitively move your body in any way you feel called. As you move, dance your response to the above questions. Dance and move, embodying the Lover, the shadow of the Lover, envision yourself dancing the balance of the masculine and feminine energies within you. You are the alchemist!     

  5. When you feel complete with this  dance, take some time to reflect on your Lover and how she shows up in your life, pay special attention to any requests she has.

  6. Thank the spirit of The Lover and any others you called in for assistance.