The Daughter Archetype

The Daughter archetype is connected to the moon’s growing light, reflective of the Daughter’s expression, pureness, lightness, and joy.

The Daughter archetype follows the Dark Mother. As we move through the tomb/womb of darkness we are born, into the East.

The East holds the quality of sacred innocence and uncensored, unadulterated, pure, innocent expression. The Daughter is the time before adolescence, before judgment, and opinions. This is the time of JOY! 

The Daughter archetype is connected with the Celtic holiday Imbolc (February 1st), denoting the resurgence of life as Spring reemerges. Plants burst through the ground, moving towards the light, expressing themselves and growing into their fullness.

The Daughter’s task is simply to embrace her joy and in her own unique and individual way. For many of us our joy and expression was quieted much too young. We may have been told “you are too much, too loud, be a good girl and mind your ps and qs.”

Or maybe you were fortunate enough to have had a safe container to express your uncensored, innocent, beauty, creativity, voice and body. Either way, if this task has not been completed we may find ourselves taking ourselves a bit too seriously, forgetting how to play, or struggling to find our joy.

Anytime we start to get bogged down in the seriousness of “adult life”, the daughter is a sacred and powerful place to return to on the wheel. We can access the daughter any time we need to remember the gift of life, the awe and wonder of being in this world and the playfulness of being embodied.

As the moon grows we invite you to turn your attention to your inner Daughter, no matter where you are in chronological age, we each have a Daughter ready to be called on. 

  • In what ways has your Daughter archetype been under-expressed?

  • In what ways does your Daughter archetype enjoy expressing herself?

  • Are there shadow aspects of the Daughter that play out in your current life?


A Ritual Invitation

Consider this question, “What brings me innocent joy?” Perhaps it is hula hooping, or roller skating. Or perhaps it is decorating cookies with a child, running through a field, or spinning in circles just because you can. 

  1. Once you have an activity in mind, create a time to do this. Call in the spirit of the Daughter and any other supportive guides or spirits you work with. Ask for assistance in finding the Daughter within. 

  2. When you are ready, express yourself! Dance, spin, laugh, make a mess. Notice what happens in your body. Is there restriction or hesitancy? Do you feel grief, anger, frustration or another emotion surface to meet this practice of engaging with your joy? Whatever surfaces, see if you can stay present with it, continue the activity, and allow yourself to surrender to your full expression of joy. 

  3. When you feel complete, take some time to reflect on your experience. Perhaps write or draw these reflections. Does your Daughter archetype need anything from you moving forward? Thank the spirit of the Daughter and any others you called in for assistance. And so it is.