The Crone Archetype

As we collectively sit within the three day threshold of the Dark moon before the New Moon arrives on Saturday December 4th. The dark moon which is associated with the cardinal direction of the North is a time for regeneration, restoration, and deep rest. Associated with the Season of Winter and the Crone archetype, this moon calls out for taking stock of your inner landscape by turning towards those ways of being below the conscious.

The word Crone carries with it beliefs about aging and power stoked by the indoctrination of misogyny. Crone is defined by Merriam-Webster as an ugly, evil-looking old woman. Is it any wonder that this word feels abrasive... conjuring images of a bent over, wrinkled old woman with one hand on a staff and a mischievous wicked expression under her pointed hat? The world of fiction and fairy tales often portrayed wise older women as witches or hideous and frightening characters. The crone was often at the crossroads as the seer and guide as an unattractive foretelling of stepping into the darkness of life.

Crone was an old hag. The word hag is derived from the root word “hagia” which means holy in Greek and once mirrored high respect for older wise or holy women .The term “hagiology” still refers to the study of holy matters or of saints, however the word hag no longer carries the same meaning as “Holy Woman'' as originally intended. In Ancient Greek she became Hecate, the Crone or Hag as queen of the dead, incarnate on earth in a series of wise women or high priestesses.

There was a time many moons ago when a woman was revered and celebrated as she entered the blood rite of Menopause, often considered to be around mid fifty in age. In many ancient cultures, Crones are the medicine women, healers and guides within the village holding a designation of honor and respect. With the “wise blood” of their wombs retained, the crone is seen as being one with the magical and visionary properties which emboldens her dance around the wheel of life.

There is often a new found confidence amongst many women who were once more reserved after having passed over that threshold. The reward women allow themselves is their lack of restraint, their need for approval is lessened. The crone no longer cares what anyone thinks or says about them and their voices grow louder, direct and true. The crone uses her wisdom which comes from reflecting on all of her previous life stages and experiences as transformative justice. The crone helps us through transitions, drawing us inward during difficult times. She brings meaning to the shadow side of us that dies and comes to life again, just as the dark moon turns new once again. The crone symbolizes the cycle of life (birth-life-death) that is present in the human experience and in all creation.

How does Crone show up in your life?

  • In what ways have you stepped in or out of your own Crone archetype?

  • How did you witness your mother, grandmother or other matriarchal women in your life engage with this part of herself?

  • What beliefs have you subscribed to that you now realize are not your own regarding the Crone?

  • What are the gifts of the Crone archetype?

  • What are the shadow aspects of the Crone archetype?

A Dark Moon Ritual Invitation

During the late evening hours, Gather your favorite essential oils (as desired), a white or black candle and holder, a chalice with pomegranate juice or water, a bowl of wet earth or clay mask, a pillow to sit on and a mirror that you can sit comfortably in front of.

  1. Create a sacred container for yourself. Use smoke (appropriate to your bioregion) to clear the space, moving in a clockwise direction, speaking aloud or inwardly; clearing and blessing the space. Be sure to start with yourself, then carefully clear the space, clear the corners, doors, and windows, and bring the energy inward.

  2. Light the candle and call in all of your ancient Grandmothers and Bright and Shiny Ancestors within your line who lived well and died well, those that you trust and choose to work with in your highest regard. Call in the Directions and Allies of support. You may choose to use a rattle, your voice, or dance during this invocation.

  3. Sitting in front of the mirror, in only the candle’s light, make eye contact with yourself first. Gaze at the Crone within you and those you have invited into your space. As with the Matriarch ritual, spend a few minutes breathing in a circular motion with connective breathing. This is a full belly breath where there is no pause between equal length inhale and exhale. This activates your sensations and you may start to feel tingling in your hands. Once you are completely tapped in, relax into normal breathing.

  4. Now that you are tapped in, dip your fingers into the wet earth or clay mask and draw the lines of time upon your face. When you feel complete, soften your gaze and peer into the mirror without naming your vision. Invite the Crone of your lineage to appear before you.

  5. As she appears either in the mirror's reflection or in your mind's eye, slowly, spaciously and with intention ask her three questions.

    1. What wisdom are you here to impart?

    2. How can I express my gifts so they are a blessing for my community?

    3. And a third question that flows from your own heart.

    4. Listen deeply for her answers.

  6. If emotions come up at any point, allow them space through sound and/or movement. Crone is the master of allowing what is and she is present to support your sacred space.

  7. When you feel complete with your connection, speak aloud each answer with the spirit of heartfelt gratitude, as it is so. ( For example: “I am here to be brave in my actions to fully embody my life so that I am an example to others looking for courage on their path of authenticity.”)

  8. After speaking each statement and claim, take a sip from the chalice savoring the sweet wisdom as it flows into your vessel for integrated embodiment. And so it is.

  9. With hands at heart, bow to yourself and all who have joined with you. Giving thanks to the directions, to all who joined in; go if you must and stay if you will.

  10. Spend a few moments journaling your experience with Crone’s Wisdom before luxuriating in a soaking tub or shower. Rest, restore and relax into the dark moon time.

  11. With the return of the day’s light, return the earth and water to the base of a plant or tree with a blessing of gratitude. Blessed Be.

You are welcome to share your reflections on this process on the Seasons of Womanhood Facebook group here