The Blood Sister Archetype

The Blood Sister archetype resides in the waxing quarter of the moon in the east. She completes the first quadrant in the element of air; the phase of innocence. She is getting closer to the peak of fertility so there is more light than dark. 

This archetype is part of her individuation, where she relies on her pack to have her back. It’s also where she becomes more responsible to her sisters to support each other in the world to be who they truly are.

Her commitment now is around bonding, celebrating and bearing witness of her female friends. She is also witnessed and accepted by her peers. Sisters stand in circle growing, learning, becoming, and celebrating their rite as feminist. She is learning what self-love means.

The Blood Sister is purely, genuinely herself - unweathered.

In the Blood Sister archetype there is a deep honoring of ourselves and each other. The red tent may be formed here. In this space we listen to one another’s stories of menstruation, pain, trauma, tears, and fears without interruption or advice.

There is an invitation to share all of ourselves here. We create safety, trust and love for each other here. 

We learn how to be in relationship with another in this archetype. Women become close in friendship at this phase. A deep love and kinship is formed through comfort, acceptance and vulnerability.

This is where trust is developed with the same sex. We gather from a place of possibilities and innocence.

As the moon moves from quarter waxing towards full, ask yourself

  • In which ways has your Blood Sister archetype developed?

    In what way have you been met by the Blood Sister archetype?

    Do you have a safe space to express with the Blood Sister archetype?

A Ritual Invitation

1. The invitation is to ask female friends to join you in this Blood Sister ritual as this is the one that calls upon the other, not the one within. This could also be done with blood sisters in mind. Invoke the directions while casting a circle. Call to the elements, directions, and any helping guides.

2. When you are ready, go to the center of the story and share a vulnerable story of your first blood or your first sexual interaction. These are examples and you can choose another. The idea is to be witnessed by the forces you have called in today in something that hasn’t been shared of you either ever or much.

3. Allow yourself to feel all emotions that come. Accept them and embrace them. If others have come to join, there is a moment of silence and reverence as others sit with your share.

4. Each woman present has the same invitation to share. 

5. After each share, return to the circle while interlocking the left hand, thumb pointing to the left.

6. The last woman to share will complete the circle. 

7. Together, decide to send the stories up to the sky or down to the earth, using sound as you do so. 

8. Thank and release all that you have called in with blessings.